Show hidden files mac command line
Show hidden files mac command line

show hidden files mac command line

# Delete all files starting with XX in the current directory and all subdirectories # Delete all files starting with XX in the current directory without confirmation This will allow the rm command to go down through the directory tree from where the command is issued and act on any files or subdirectories that it finds. The second switch is -r, which stands for recursive. When you hit Enter, the command is done and there is no going back. When you run the rm command with the -f switch, it will delete whatever you tell it to delete without checking or asking if you are sure. It turns off the “Are you sure?” prompt that normally comes up when you try to delete a file. There are two important flags that you need to be aware of. Related: Ways to Get Command- Line Help on Linux Since the rm command permanently deletes files and directories, you must be extremely careful when issuing a command that traverses directories and acts based on wildcards. The rm command also functions as a powerful utility for removing entire directories and even directory trees. Rmdir ~/temporary Removing Directory Trees With rm # Remove a temporary directory from your home directory # Remove an empty directory from the current path Use the ls -a command to show hidden files that need to be removed if you get an error. A common problem when using this command is trying to delete a directory that seems empty but contains hidden files. You can use rmdir to remove an empty directory. # Remove all files starting with ab in a specific directory # Remove all files starting with the letters ‘ab’ in the current directory # Remove a single file in the current directory You can delete multiple files by using the * wildcard character. The rm command simply requires the name or path to a file or files to delete. Short for remove, the rm and rmdir commands will remove (as in permanently delete) files and directories.

  • Be careful while running any command that starts with the word “sudo.” You can instantly render your entire system inoperable by entering a bad sudo command.
  • Using the command line argument -help will usually explain the most commonly used options. Almost every command has switches or arguments that you can use to modify its behavior.

    show hidden files mac command line

    Typing any command followed by "-help" will often show quick usage examples.For example, the commands cd /home/user and cd ~ are the same. You can substitute ~ anywhere in a command to represent that path.


    The full path to that directory is usually something like /home/user/ or /var/home/user/. This directory stores all your personal files. Every user on Linux has a home directory. The tilde (~) is shorthand for your home directory.Be sure to pay attention to capital and lowercase letters when copying or entering any command.

    show hidden files mac command line

    ls -a and ls -A are also two different commands. Typing Ls or LS will return a command not found error. Typing ls will list files in your current directory. Capital and lowercase letters are different in Linux.

  • The Linux command line is case-sensitive.
  • Learning how and when to take advantage of the Linux command line with just a handful of essential file-manipulation commands will help to enhance your productivity and transform your Linux experience.īefore we get into actual commands, here are a few tips to help avoid confusion and errors: However, because of all the overhead resources used by a GUI (such as GNOME or KDE Plasma), when you need to work with more than one file or directory, the command line is often the fastest and most efficient way to get things done. Modern Linux desktops have come a long way in regards to letting you manipulate files on your system.

    Show hidden files mac command line